Tuesday 18 September 2007

'An Ever fixed Mark'

...Shakespaere said 'Love is not love hat alters when alteraton finds...Nay it is an ever fixed mark'. In Dec 2005 in Shenynag on asnowly evening I met Shining again, having not seen her in about a year. Everyon ewho knows me knows Shining is extremely special to me and some would even go to argue taht she was more special to me tahn C-apparently this notion within SAU was common. I recall that meeting wih Shing almost 2 years ago now-the time which had elapsed seemed like a few minutes and we were enjoying each others company again. 2 years later I met Shining again...

This last Satururday we met and talked about times gone, joked abou marriage and then we both ealized taht our lives had moved on. She has found someone & I guess so have I. It is in one way hard to imagine taht Shining will be taken care of by someone other than me but I can accept this-if you eally love someone you only want them to be happy and lord knows I always just wanted this for S. We will alwaysd be the cloest friends but the fact that she feels she could never accept any reigion makes any relationship hard...but alas it was god to see her, it is always good to see her
Seems Amerca si about to attack Iran-god this Bush administration is retarded and Brown & that French moron are just as bad

All else is good :)

I wil try to blog more fre, i dobt however ifa nyone even reads this

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